First Piano Lesson
Yesterday, I went to Viview's house with Ong and Ee. She promised to teach me some basic knowledge of piano and music notes. I'm really excited until I can't sleep at the night before. Also, I've bring along the piano sheets (by Yiruma) which I've printed long time ago.
Haha, what's she doing? Actually she's telling me that the anime (which hold in her hand) is nice to watch and playing her notebook at the same time == Haiz, when she want start to teach me piano leh? I wonder.
As I'm learning piano with Viview, Ee is busy doing her programmes. And later, we all joined her too to help her out.
== what so funny?
Hah, she help us to decorate the front cover of the programmes and keep saying it's nice == (it's quite nice actually)
I feel a little bit disappointed when Viview told me she didn't like to play soft and slow music == because...all the piano sheets I bring was slow and soft, which I love so much. And what I found out is learning piano are quite difficult for me (who's blunt and response slow). But hey! I'll never give up, must learn until I know how to play at least *a song, haha :P
Learning the piano may be difficult for beginners but as long as you're eager to learn and with constant practice sooner you'll be surprise you can play like a pro :D