
目前顯示的是 12月, 2008的文章


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PMR Results Day 2008

[i](Photo uploaded from my Samsung on 30th December, 2008)[/i]

Hah, I'm now at school because Form 3 students are taking their PMR's result today. But why I'm here? Haiz, actually it's non of my business because I already passed my PMR! XD Just here to help the school and teacher to make sure students return their textbooks. Early in the morning, which is about 9am I'm already at school, waiting teacher to be 'appears' and Ong to come. Very boring ==

Got one girl who saw me wearing sport shirt and sitting at pondok so she seems quite angry and worry because she thought only she's wearing uniform to school. Hah, quite funny when I heard she told her friend about this. Lol, maybe she thought I'm Form 3? (Still look younger XD) Haiz, suddenly think of the day my friends and I take our PMR result. Soon I'm going to have my SPM! OMG, gonna workhard leh T.T Ok, then if you can read this post, that means I'm successfully setup my mobile phone to blog T.T which took me lots of hours to settle it. Cheer =]

4 Cekal's One Day Trip to Malacca

I think I'm posting this a little bit late. Anyway, on 18th November, our class (4 Cekal) has organized a one-day-trip to Malacca with our History teacher, Miss Malathy. Besides, there're also got another two teachers came with us.

I've recorded some lame videos while we are in the bus, on the way to Malacca :P

Hah, saw the girl sat beside me? Her expression...wuahaha ><

Rotiman~ All of us eating roti in the bus == Okay, then the first place we visit was the Christ Church. The church was under construction or repair or whatever la. Then we went to the Muzium Sejarah & Ethnografi, which somehow I feel boring but there's actually lots of interesting things inside.

Miss Malathy is explaining the archeological things in the muzium.

Afternoon, we all are given chance to take our lunch and hang around Jonker Street. Ong, Wanchew, YengYi, TseHye, PuiKwan and me decided to eat at a Chicken Riceball Restaurant. First time eating "riceball" and it's nice! Also, the price are not too expensive.

And later, we went to the giant ship near Malacca Strait and many places which I've forgot the names ==. After the trip, we are required to do a report and hand up when school reopen T.T So I've to go Wanchew's house next Wednesday to discuss about the report with Chandima, Somala and Ong.

The Cekalians (4 Cekal of 2008) ==

(Photograph from Pathma)
Will add more videos soon! Cheer =)

An Abnormal Dating - Anti-Midvalley!

Today's morning, I went to Midvalley Megamall with JiaYee, LayYu and their primary school classmates. All their friends are boys and I don't even know one of them. (Haiz...I better not go la!) And yet, they didn't talk much with JiaYee and LayYu. I wonder are they going together? Do they really know each other ah!? Really a gang of weird people!

About 9am, JiaYee and I already arrived at the KTM Station and waiting for LayYu. She came late. We take KTM to Midvalley together. So finally, we came to Midvalley Megamall. They still didn't talk much with each other, like strangers only ==. Anyway, at last they decided to watch movie. But JiaYee and I need to wait for Ee to come and watch with her together. So both of us hanging around the complex and went to MPH Bookstore.

But sadly, Ee suddenly said she's sick and can't come to meet us. T.T And guess what!? About 1.15pm, we called LayYu, she said she and the others 'strangers' are now going to watch movie at 1.30pm!

ArH! What kind of dating is this? T.T And why I'm the victim? Haiz. Bad mood. Next time I'm not going with those stangers and I'm Anti-Midvalley from now, until I feel better T.T

Merry X'mas

今年的圣诞节有点不一样,因为今天和Ong、薇雯和佩恩她们约好一起到甲洞吃韩国餐,所以一大早起来准备,吃了两片Roti Canai便赶去薇雯家。哈,我也算准时啦,十点半已经到了!但原来她刚醒来而已 == 早知道就不那么早起来了

本来说要吃韩国餐,结果我们刚踏进那家不懂叫什么名字的餐厅,里面的服务员竟然说要等到12点才营业。 其实只是差十多分钟而已。算了。最后我们来到了另一间看起来很不错、忘了叫什么名字的餐厅。我只点了一碗忘了叫什么名字的甜品(西米露?应该是==),挺不错的。而且我发现那里的服务员都好高哦 ><

之后,佩恩因为约了朋友唱K,所以只剩下我们三个了。一番讨论后,我们决定到Brem Mall打保龄球。不过一到那里,Ong便忙着挑衣服,我和薇雯只好撇下她一个人,到楼上的保龄球馆看看。然后又下楼把Ong给带上去。付了钱,穿好鞋,可以开始啦!不过那里的机器好像有点问题,把我们从第四号一直换到第八号。因为第一次打,什么技巧、姿势,不管啦 >< 我前五次都把球送进沟渠,只有5分而已 T.T 不过还好,后来也不知为什么,懵里懵懂的就排到第二了 :P 哈哈,不错吧?

明天早上又得和家怡到Midvalley。其实我很累啦 T.T 不过感觉上挺好玩的。而且,这几天我都在等,等待某件我期待已久的东西。希望它、它们可以快快来咯 ^^

我在想,每年的圣诞,我们家楼上的阿姨(租客)都会送我们礼物。今年……是不是也会呢?不管有没有,圣诞节快乐, Merry X'mas =)

Calendar from Exabytes

Today's morning, I received a very first mail/letter from Exabytes Company.

Firstly, I thought it's something like advertisement or promotion but surprisingly not. It was a calendar inside it.

I've to fold it myself so it would become a table calendar. Haha, quite nice right :P

Haiz, but few days ago I already bought a table calendar from Zhong Guo Feng (中国风), I think I need to put this on the other place because my desk has no space for it ==.




Another Piano Lesson

Recently, JiaYee and I went to Viview's house to learn piano. For these few days, we keep learning and practicing Moonlight Sonata (by Ludwig van Beethoven). Before this, we've learn a little part of The Blue Danube, a little part of A Whole New World, a little part of....LOL! All are just "a little part" ==. I hope we can really play the whole Moonlight Sonata soon, but not "a little part" =)

Guess what? I found an interesting thing in Viview's house. As you can see from the photo, it's a mini slot machine. I've tried many times and of course it's just for fun. No prize, no money is needed and you only won nothing. But fun, Haha!

First Time @ Sunway Lagoon

Last Saturday (13 Dec), I went to Sunway Lagoon with Ee, Viview & PeiYaing. I'm damn excited that day because...believe or not, that's the first time I play in Sunway Lagoon. Usually, if I come with my family, my mother sure won't let us go in and play. == Haiz!

Early in the morning, as I'm eating my breakfast, Viview called me and ask whether I've arrived at the bus stop or not. Hah, sure my answer is NO and she sounds quite surprises when I told her I'm having breakfast that time. I thought they're waiting long time so I quickly finish my breakfast and go to our school bus stop by my mother's car. I arrived there but there's nobody, just saw a strange face. Later, I met Ee and she told me they're eating at the Mamak stall ==

After that, four of us take a taxi to Sunway Lagoon together. It's damn expensive! RM25! Which means each of us have to pay about six ringgit. But actually it's more better than we take bus and LRT in a hot weather.

First, we went and play in the water park. But before that, we have to pay RM10 for two lockers to keep our bags inside. Erm, what I would like to say is the locker is EXPENSIVE!! And it's for one-time-use only. By the way, all the games are very fresh and new for me. Hah, so I'm really excited there ^^ (Lol, what my mother will say if she's with me that time ==?)

Later, it started to rain heavily. All the visitors, of course, includes four of us are caught in a downpour. So we have to wait the rain to stop. But then, most of the visitors are going home and unwilling to stay anymore.

So that's why when the rain stop, we can play the games without queue up ^^. We play till the park is going to close then take a taxi and go home. But before that, we all have chance to eat at PeiYaing's food stall which located at Batu 3.

Rojak Thoughts II







SPBT Farewell Party 08

Majlis的前一晚,我弄了五只Bagman打算送给学姐们,结果凌晨4点多才睡><,然后七点多起身,准备好后便赶到LihShing家和她们集合。接着还要劳烦雯裙的姑姑载我们到帝迪旺沙的轻快铁站。我说啊,那天还是我第一次在一天的时间内搭那么多次的LRT和第一次搭地下铁 ==ll







要谢谢这两位朋友(LihShing & 雯裙)帮了我好多 ><



终于到了大合照的时候了!1,2,Smile! =)


Rojak Thoughts



明天就是我们的Majlis Perpisahan啦!!真的有够紧张和担心的。Haiz! 整个晚上我都睡不着,一合上眼睛便想起自己是不是还有东西还没准备?是不是都带齐了东西?明天的Nasty Draw该怎办啊?因为我英文不怎么好,看来又要献丑了……

不断在想东想西的,明天必须带的大包小包被我开了又关、关了又开,然后开了又再关……只为了检查是不是都带齐了。== 不过话说回来,刚刚我把爸爸的手提电话包装好啦!哈,越看越觉得像真的一样(其实是真的,不过是坏了),不禁有点沾沾自喜。




Nikon D700 Birthday Cake

I think this will be the most awesome and coolest birthday cake I've ever seen! A Nikon D700 Cake! :P

Well, it's not mine of course but I get this news from a Chinese photography website. To know more about the cake's owner, I search through Google and finally found it's the birthday cake of a Flickr's user called fsumaria (Maria Felton).

Maria's husband not only brought her a real Nikon D700 but also the cake. (You can view more photos from Maria's Flickr Photo Stream)

I wish I could have one Canon birthday cake too but it seems impossible Haha! =) Cheer!

I'm Sleepy

It's afternoon now, and I'm damn tired. Early in the morning, I went to school again just because the SPBT room's key was kept by me (Ong and the others want to use the room).

When I arrived at school, I met Ong, Zi Yi and those juniors at the Melati Hall. It seems...they didn't need to use the key/room actually because they all practice their dance at the hall. Besides, the room are full of books and very messy, there's totally no free space for them to dance ==. I'm wondering, why I should come? I'm sleepy!

(They keep practicing and discussing but I got nothing to do. No one listen to my silly comment...I think >< So I just go arrange those messy books in SPBT room lol)

Haiz, let's forget about it. Last night, I'm busy searching some Christmas songs for my panda senior. I don't exactly know the songs' name actually so it's kinda difficult and this has took me for few hours. But sometimes it's quite happy and meaningful when helping friends to do something.

Oh hey! Guess what? Last night, I'm practicing the "fingers step" which Viview taught me and I think I'm succeed! Yes! Gonna show her tomorrow ;) wuahaha ^^

First Piano Lesson

Yesterday, I went to Viview's house with Ong and Ee. She promised to teach me some basic knowledge of piano and music notes. I'm really excited until I can't sleep at the night before. Also, I've bring along the piano sheets (by Yiruma) which I've printed long time ago.

Haha, what's she doing? Actually she's telling me that the anime (which hold in her hand) is nice to watch and playing her notebook at the same time == Haiz, when she want start to teach me piano leh? I wonder.

As I'm learning piano with Viview, Ee is busy doing her programmes. And later, we all joined her too to help her out.

== what so funny?

Hah, she help us to decorate the front cover of the programmes and keep saying it's nice == (it's quite nice actually)

I feel a little bit disappointed when Viview told me she didn't like to play soft and slow music == because...all the piano sheets I bring was slow and soft, which I love so much. And what I found out is learning piano are quite difficult for me (who's blunt and response slow). But hey! I'll never give up, must learn until I know how to play at least *a song, haha :P

Sonic Gear EVO 5

Yesterday, I went to Melia Hotel for the second time to pay the deposit of the function room which we've booked on November. This time, I'm going there with my family.

It's difficult to find a parking lot in this area so dad decided to parked his car in the front of the hotel (hotel's parking lot) and it's damn expensive! Ten ringgit! Arh! == But because of this ten-ringgit-per-hour-parking-fee, we've a chance to hang around Lowyat Plaza. haha.

This is an advertisement by Maxis. Look simple, but nice for me. Anyway, we spent about 45 minutes in Lowyat and dad has bought a new speaker! which is the Sonic Gear EVO 5. There's a black and white version, I choose the black one. :)

Damn cool right? (Shiok sendiri lol) I'm quite worry about my old computer desk now. Don't know when it will crush suddenly because of the heavy weight == (Am I think too much? haha.) Still listening to Yiruma's P.N.O.N.I. Love his Ribbonized so much :)

Yiruma's P.N.O.N.I

Well, I can't sleep tonight. (Why? Too happy? Too sad? Don't know...) Keep searching information about music, music scores, staff, music notation and many. But Wow! Though I found this a little bit late, but I'm still excited and surprising! :)

Guess what? Yiruma's 6th album has released! The released date was 31 October, which mean as a Yiruma's fans, I'm getting this "news" quite late ==. haha, but nevermind lol!

I'm now listening to this album with the new Evo5 speaker which I've just brought from Lowyat Plaza today. For me, this is another worth buying album from him, Yiruma. Hope more good musics are coming soon from him! =] But sadly because it seems quite difficult to get his original album in Malaysia.

BTW, the song name in this album are simple:
01 . Piano
02 . Love
03 . Joy
04 . Loanna
05 . Ribbonized
06 . Eve
07 . Present
08 . Letter
09 . Sky
10 . Journey
11 . Hope

But I think it's quite meaningful when they're been linked together =)
Or you may say I'm over-imaginative? haha, whatever.