
It's quite soothing while staying cool and keep silence during conversation between friends or whosoever, when you got nothing to say but too many things come into your mind in one-shot. Just listen.

What else can I say?
When whatever I said was wrong.

What else can I feel?
When whatever I felt sounded so wrong.

I should be happy, shouldn't I? I didn't set myself a very high goal this time, and things went fine just like what I had expected, even better than that, thanks to luck. But I just couldn't restrain the anger nor take the thoughts and feelings that had going around me all the time.

Dreams, plans, goals... I have it in my mind and they are realizable even though they are simple compared to the others' great ambitions. When can I actually have the time to do all these things?

PS. MUET Speaking成绩出炉了。虽然分数不高,还是有少少高兴!比起那天的自己真的好多了。喂阴影,我征服了你!接下来要克服的是,如何让自己紧张时不口吃。——这个,老师也发现了吧。呵,我说啊,只要我想,一定行!(我哪来的自信啊)XD




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