Nothing much to update recently. My life is filled with BM homeworks and revisions. By the way, I went to my primary school's carnival this morning, with my father and sister. Wow, this had reminded me of the time when I was in Standard Six, the day which I became one of the 'salesgirl' in school. I was thinking: maybe I could meet some of my 'old' friends there? Hopefully.
I arrived at about 8 o'clock, and there were already a lot of cars and the school was crowded with people. Hah, I met JYee and friends as I walked through the school gate - what a coincidence!
6N - the class I used to be in. Good luck to them.I was told by my friends that there would be lots of games holding during this carnival, and yet, it was true. Sad to say that, I played so hard but win nothing. =D
Less than 5 minutes, I bought few Dora's postcards for one ringgit. =) About ten, there were few performances went on: Lion dances etc, etc. And the author of local comic book GeMeiLia was there too.
Lol. I met Ee there too and recorded some lame videos. Overall, it was a great carnival to me! At the end, I can't seem to find any familiar faces there, besides my secondary school friends.